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Part 1 : The Beginning 


     Back in 2015 January, Giedrius Kazklauskas had an Idea that it would be great to go and start training basketball with few of his friends, at a start everything looked good but lads wished for something else, to became a team, so Giedrius Kazlauskas and Edgaras Lembertas decided that they need a coach, a team kit, and a name . The ''Bc Wolves'' name was an Edgaras Lembertas Idea wich fitted for everybody. First coach '' Kostia'' were sacked after two months after voting, and other team member ''Edvardas Ciapas'' took his place, but again he couldn't cope with the team, and after few weeks were sacked again. At that moment, new team member Edgaras Griskaitis offered a lad that he knew were coaching ''Armagh Bisons'' and had an experiance in club development.  So on 14th of march 2015, Rolandas Bartkus became a new head coach of ''Bc Wolves''....  













Part 2 : First Months...
      For Rolandas Bartkus it was something new to start preparing team that players had no experiance in official basketball games, and lack of understanding of the tactics, but with hard work we started to do something . First friendly match against ''Armagh Bisons'' was terrible, we lost the match by 37 points and most of the people that are involved with basketball were just laughing from us. 
      The season started at a start of October, a first match were played against ''AndersonsTown'' tigers in ''Division-2'' league. And a victory that cheered up our team 44-69. But coach knew that the oponents wasn't very good, and to much of self confidence might harm our team and the Next game showed that. Huge loss against''Newry Fliers'' in BNI Cup 75-44 was a shock for the players...But then a new player were signed, Robertas Gurskas - Former Dungannon ''Cavaliers'' player in premier league and a very good shooter. Even that the first home game was lost to ''Ballymennna'' , after this match team started to grow as club...

Part 3 : First Titles and growing as a club...

    A lot of people started to help us to build up what we have now, two youth teams were created and will start to play in a new 2016/2017 season,another senior team will play in BNI aswell , also a lot of sponsors joined us, and with a help from them, with a help from Cookstown Leisure centre and Cookstwon council we might be on a good way to do what we are doing - the training, the developing and charity events !!
    And as a sign of our success, in a first season we won three titles ''Plate'', ''League'' & ''Playoffs'' , we had the most fans in BNI, and aa great atmospehere in our club !!!













Part 4 : Second Season...

  With a lot of new members from adults to underage ,''Wolves'' managed to build up two senior teams and one under 16 boys,  one for Division-2 and one for division 1. A lot of new and skillful players joined with experience of higher quality basketball from ''Premier'' league. One of the best players from BNI Darius Surginas joined and changed the way team played . Even that the season start were hard with 3 lost games in November, after Player Statistics came to our club it changed how players started to think about them self and team mates and helped to work harder.

   The whole season was success Division 1 team won Play off's and ''Plate'' Competition but finished second in the league. The Under 16 boys won the U16 D league, and division 2 team finished second in play offs and league. And one more mention, BBC Northern Ireland came to visit us and for the first time we were showed on BBC News !  












Part 4 : The Split...

  Because of too much attention and to many victories, some of the Division 2 players and the Chairman G.Kazlauskas felt left behind because the main focus was for the main team, even that during the season R.Bartkus managed the main team and G.Kazlauskas second team ,and 

they both had hands free to promote the teams but R.Bartkus were doing more for the Division 1 and also tried to keep both teams together but was clear that players from the main team 

will be more promoted than others, because on his mind, everybody has to earn and work hard to get there 15 minutes of fame.... So the tensions where high and the main reason of the split were Money and the View of the future of the club. R.Bartkus vision - Non Profit, most worked by volunteers , and opened for everyone with help for the members with low income, while the other side looked at everything more closed and wished that club stayed as a private. So after some negotiations G.Kazlauskas left the club and started his own... Good luck for him ! 









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