On tuesday Bc Wolves had a second match and a first ''Cup'' game this year, unfortunately, this time, the fortune wasn't on our side. We lost this match by 31 point, and had no chance to win after 15 minutes of game...

Just after 5 minutes of game, Flyers jumped in front by 12 points, but just because the shooting of Bc Wolves was tragic... We couldn't score open shoots from any distance, tha lead us to that score...

Only at second quarter we had some chances, after some few good shoots, to catch up the home team, but after 5 minutes of game, the basket was shutted down, and it stayed like that for the whole game...

The next two quarters was terrible like never before... And we lost the game by 31 point... 75-44.

The conclusion: Flyers are good team, with good confidence and understanding each other on the court, whyle wolves, with 3 players missing, just couldn't feel the confidence, and couldn't find the way to make open shoots. Even that the tactics against ''Flyers'' 2x3 defence was quiet good, we just didin't make enough shoots, only 4 three point shoots from 26 were good....The other bad thing - because of missed shoots, Flyers ''front line'' didin't need to go and help on three point line, so that's why all our cuts to the basket was easy stoped by the ''Big'' mans under the basket...So only 4 three pointers from 26, 29 mistakes as a team, and 15 missed free throws leaded us to defeat that we won't forget...