Last Sunday we had to play against ''Finnebrogue Bc'' from Bangor an another Lithuanian based team, so we knew that the game will be tough, but again with our fans on our side to travel anywhere with the team we knew that it will be harder for our opponents! This time team had to go without Our Main coach Rolandas Bartkus, but Giedrius Kazlauskas stepped in to replace him and he did it very well !!

Just from the start, Bc Wolves went in front by few points and tried to keep the distance, again, most of Robertas Gurskas individual play we managed to get in front by 16 points, but the Lukas Norbutas got an injury and ended his game on the third period, and then the team stoped, made some silly mistakes, and the ''Finnebrogue'' got really close, only by two points behind.And it stayed like till the end, on the final offensive play, ''Finnebrogue'' tried to score a three pointer, but they missed and we got the rebound, and with a long pass through court to Vitalijus Michailovas who scored two points and secured our very important victory!! 66-71 Final score !! Robertas Gurskas 37 points, 7 three pointers, Saras Razmus 8 points and two three pointers, and Tomas Burbulis with 8 points.

This time we wanna say BIG THANKS to our supporters who came the long way on sunday to support us ! The players were thrilled when after the came when the team was walking on the hallway you were shouting and applauding all the time !!! We have never seen anything like that here !!!

Second match of the week was against one of the best teams in the division 2 - ''Phoenix Bc'', a team that had lost only to ''Ballymena Bc'' and won all the other games on average 29 points in front, a young and very skillful players with good physio was a real threat to our team, and they showed that just from the first minutes of the game. Very fast on offense and very strict on defense - that lead us that we were all the time behind and struggling to find our game, mostly because that it wasn't our main player, Robertas Gurskas, day. He missed to many shoots that he usually manages to get in.

After the Half time, the view haven't changed and got even worse, at one moment ''Phoenix Bc'' Were in front by 16 points, but then with few good plays by Robertas Gurskas and Rolandas Bartkus (It was his first official game) we left the court before the last period by 9 points behind.
And then, ''Phoenix Bc'' coach did unimaginable thing, he let second squad to play, and in a few minutes we were behind only by two points !! Six minutes left to the end, ''Phoenix'' coach realised his mistake and changed the whole five to the main players !! But ''Wolves'' were on fire !! With Tomas Glodenis amazing play on defense, and some good passing under the basket by Rolandas Bartkus and Tomas Burbuli, we went in front by five points. And then, only one minute was left, when Robertas Gurskas made a foul against one of the '' Phoenix'' players, and referee called an intentional foul wich got very angry team coach Rolandas Bartkus, who was also revarded a technicall foul, so after some shoots made from the free throw line by ''Phoenix'' players we were in front only by one point, and then the fouls stardet to came up from both sides, but we had made them a wee better than ''Phoenix'' and won the game 87:92. The reaction by player ''11'' from "Phoenix'' says all "I don't belive it''. Again thanks for our fans that came with us and helped us when we were strugulling. Top scorrers - Rolandas Bartkus 23 points, Robertas Gurskas 22 points, Sarunas Razmus 14 points and Tomas Burbulis 13 points.