New Year started with a victory that nobody were happy about it. A division 1 match against Belfast ''Queens'' university team ended 79-53
but ''Bc Wolves'' made 38 turnovers and 29 of them were because of bad passing. Coach Rolandas Bartkus had only one explanation - Christmas Turkey and New Years party...
Full Stats :
Bc Wolves Vs Queens 79:53
Darius Surginas : Reb: 3, 1pts/ 3/5 60%, 2pts/ 5/8 63%, 3pts/ 2/4 50%, Turnovers: 8, Steals:5, Assists: 7. Blocks : 0 , Fouls 0, Provoked Fouls 5 + 24 Index Rating ( 19 points )
Rolandas Bartkus: Reb: 17, 1pts 0/2 0%, 2pts/ 9/13 69%, 3pts 0/0 0%, Turnovers:4, Steals:1, Assists: 2, Blocks: 1, Fouls 2, Provoked Fouls 3 +30 Index Rating ( 18 Points)
Tomas Burbulis: Reb:6, 1pts/ 0/0 0%, 2pts/ 1/1 100%, 3pts/ 0/0 0%, Turnovers: 1, Steals:0, Assits:2,
Blocks:0 Fouls 2, Provoked Fouls 0 +7 Index Rating ( 2 Points )
Tomas Glodenis: :Reb: 1, 1pts/ 0/0 0%, 2pts/ 1/1 100%, 3pts/ 0/0 0%, Turnovers:0, Steals:1, Assits:0,
Blocks: 0 Fouls 0, Provoked Fouls 0 +4 Index Rating ( 2 Points )
Stanislaw Paplowskij: Reb: 2, 1pts/ 2/4 50%, 2pts/ 2/6 33%, 3pts/ 0/0 0%, Turnovers: 4, Steals:0, Assists: 0. Blocks: 0 Fouls 3, Provoked Fouls 2 -3 Index Rating ( 6 points )
Karolis Jurkynas: Reb: 4, 1pts/ 0/0 0%, 2pts/ 1/5 20%, 3pts/ 0/0 0%, Turnovers: 4, Steals:5, Assists: 1. Blocks: 1 Fouls 3, Provoked Fouls 0 +2 Index Rating ( 2 Points )
Robertas Gurskas: Reb: 1, 1pts/ 2/3 66%, 2pts/ 4/7 57%, 3pts/ 1/3 33%, Turnovers: 6, Steals:1, Assists: 1. Blocks: 0 Fouls 2, Provoked Fouls 3 +5 Index Rating ( 13 Points )
Vytautas Petryla: Reb: 3, 1pts/ 0/0 0%, 2pts/ 1/2 50%, 3pts/ 0/0 0%, Turnovers: 2, Steals:0, Assists: 2. Blocks: 0 Fouls : 1, Provoked Fouls 0 +3 Index Rating ( 2 Points )
Dainius Miklovis : Reb: 1, 1pts/ 3/4 75%, 2pts/ 1/1 100%, 3pts/ 0/1 0%, Turnovers: 1, Steals:2, Assists: 0. Blocks: 0 Fouls 2, Provoked Fouls 2 +5 Index Rating ( 5 points )
Edgaras Griskaitis : Reb: 3, 1pts/ 0/4 0%, 2pts/ 1/2 50%, 3pts/ 0/0 0%, Turnovers: 0, Steals:1, Assists: 0. Blocks: 0 Fouls : 0, Provoked Fouls 2 +3 Index Rating. ( 2 Points )
Vaidas Pauza: Reb:2, 1pts/ 0/1 0%, 2pts/ 2/2 100%, 3pts/ 0/2 0%, Turnovers: 5, Steals:1, Assits:2, Blocks:0 Fouls 0, Provoked Fouls 2 +2 Index Rating (4 points)
Martynas Kubeckis: Reb: 4, 1pts/ 0/0 0%, 2pts/ 2/3 66%, 3pts/ 0/3 0%, Turnovers: 3, Steals:2, Assists: 1. Blocks: 0 Fouls: 3, Provoked Fouls: 0 +1 Index Rating ( 4 Points )